Red wine lovers, rejoice? We've all heard that a glass of red wine a day keeps the doctor away, but did you know that it's all thanks to the magical compound called resveratrol? That's right, this tiny nutrient packs a punch when it comes to anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects, making red wine the elixir of life, or at least that's what we'd like to believe.
However, the therapeutic dose of resveratrol is not yet well established, and most studies have used doses of 150-445 mg of resveratrol per day to achieve the desired health effects. Unfortunately, the amount of red wine needed to provide this amount of resveratrol can vary widely depending on the type and quality of wine, as well as individual factors such as body weight, metabolism, and tolerance to alcohol.
On average a 148 ml glass of red wine contains about 0.2-2.0 mg of resveratrol, which means that one would need to drink a large amount of red wine to reach the therapeutic dose. In fact, to obtain 150-445 mg of resveratrol, one would need to drink anywhere from 75 to 2,225 glasses of red wine per day, which is clearly excessive and not recommended.
Moreover, excessive alcohol consumption can have negative health effects, such as liver damage, high blood pressure, and increased risk of certain cancers. Therefore, it is not advisable to rely solely on red wine as a source of resveratrol. Resveratrol supplements or other dietary sources, such as grapes, peanuts, and berries, may be safer and more reliable ways to obtain this nutrient.
In conclusion, while red wine contains resveratrol and other beneficial compounds, it is not an efficient or recommended way to obtain therapeutic levels of resveratrol. It's important to consume wine in moderation and to look to other dietary sources or supplements for adequate amounts of resveratrol. So, raise a glass of red wine to your health, but don't forget to complement it with a healthy and balanced diet.
Baur JA, Sinclair DA. Therapeutic potential of resveratrol: the in vivo evidence. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2006 Jun;5(6):493-506. doi: 10.1038/nrd2060. PMID: 16732220.
Tome-Carneiro J, Gonzálvez M, Larrosa M, Yáñez-Gascón MJ, García-Almagro FJ, Ruiz-Ros JA, Tomás-Barberán FA, García-Conesa MT, Espín JC. Resveratrol in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a dietary and clinical perspective. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2013 Jan;1290:37-51. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12150. PMID: 23855464.